Well this all went swimmingly. I had 45 visitors over the 3 weekends, not bad as I was only open for 3 hours each day, and I sold 3 framed pictures and 3 unframed browser pics - not vastly priced, but good to see people liking something enough to want to buy it and take it home! I only put up a few road signs, A3 size - one at Wilmington crossroads, one at the Berwick / Common lane crossroads, one at Milton Hyde, one at the end of Bayleys Lane and one at the end of my lane. Most visitors came because they got the email or my texts or saw the signs. Only a few had picked up the leaflets or seen the ad in the AAF brochure - he rest were all word of mouth visitors or those who were there for my art classes in the week.

Come and see all of my work from 1-4pm every weekend in August.
Pickhams, Hayreed Lane, Wilmington (follow the signs).
Parking, tea / coffee available, collection for Chestnut Tree House
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